Starting from this post, I will try to use English as my major writing language. I really appreciate it if you can leave some comments on my toy English.
The post is a record of the CS/ECE PhD applications from a CUHK CSE MPhil student. Previously, my major research direction is EDA. Here is my basic background:
- GPA: BS in CUHK 3.53/4.0 (ranking 10%) MPhil in CUHK (3.97/4.0)
- Toefl: 106 + speaking 23.
- Publication: 3 first-author conference papers + 3 best paper awards (one first author)
- No strong (I guess) recomendation letter from prestigious professor
My Application Results
- Reject: MIT,UCB,Harvard, UW CS, UIUC ECE, Columbia CS
- Offer: CMU ECE (accept), Austin ECE, UIUC CS (Only oral offer)
Some tips
In some universities (like UW and Columbia), CS and ECE are two distinct department. Therefore, please have a look on both departments to find professors with similar research interest. Also, their application systems are usually seperated. (Do not ask me why I know this.)
Toefl Requirements
Some universities set a constraint on Toefl speaking or overall score like UCLA and Princeton, but it is usaully not a hard constraint, at least according to the experience from other students. Please have a try even though your Toefl is less than the requirement. But generally, a 100 overall + 22 speaking is a necessary bottomline.
Please do every thing asap! including toefl, personal statement, and GRE(possible). For example, please attend your first toefl asap! Trust me, your toefl preparation before the test and after test is totally different. After your first test, you will have a clear view on your pros and cons.
- Check the professors who are active in your conferences.
- Check the professors who are active in your research interest (start from the references in your publications).
- Ask related professors
If you are an undergraduate, PLEASE apply for exchange programme! The experience is a very “bonus” for your application. Moreover, during your exchange, you can(and must) contact professors for research, who can help your recommendation letter, or even be your future PhD supervisor.
Some materials from Internet
- 自我介紹,約3–4分鐘,但有時教授已經大概看過你的資料了,就會直接切入第2點。
- 叫你介紹自己之前的研究,可能還會問(1)你的研究興趣以及未來想做的題目,包含具體打算怎麼實現、(2)你最有貢獻的研究是什麼,為什么(3)如果到他的實驗室之後想做什麼等等。就像我說的,過程比較像是閒聊,所以他可能會不時問你一些延伸問題,或提供他的想法等等。這是面試的重點,大約10–15分鐘。
- 有些教授也會說說他實驗室現在在做的題目有什麼,解釋給你聽,你當然也可以問一些問題。約5–10分鐘。
- 大部分時候教授都會問你一些比較general的問題,像是(1)為什麼要投這個學校、(2)為什麼要念PhD、(3)你還投了哪些學校、(4)你畢業後想做什麼和(5)你有什麼優點和缺點等等。有少數教授會問technical的問題。約5–10分鐘。
- 最後,每個教授都一定會問你有沒有什麼想要問教授的,這時候你一定要勇敢發問。約10分鐘。我自己常問的問題有:
- What are the current research projects? (如果教授沒有自己講)
- 一些關於他研究的想法 (要事先了解教授的研究)
- Where do the alumni go?
- How do students choose their supervisors? (針對有rotation的program)
- What will the funding arrangement be? (針對津貼沒有統一的學校)
- Why do you choose to work in the academia after you have worked in the industry? (針對去過業界工作一段時間的教授)
- Why do you choose to work in the academia instead of the industry (針對年輕教授)
用一个paragraph概括project的high-level idea;
不要假设面试当中可以给教授看PPT或者slides,要准备好精炼准确的语言进行介绍。虽然教授是领域内专家,但是也要假设他对你的work一点都不了解的前提下进行present,从intuition和high-level idea开始讲,避免一上来就进入极其detail的部分。注意挖掘教授对于你的project可能感兴趣的点并适当准备:比如他的research interest和你的work当中有交集的部分等等,也可以把话题往这一块上引。
看看research interest是否match。
简单聊聊教授最近的论文和research interest。面试一般是让教授更好了解申请人的,(我觉得)一般教授不会深入问他自己最近做的project的各种detail。但最好通读一下教授最近出的paper的abstract,以免无话可说。当然如果跟自己的work非常relevant的要仔细读也可以展开说。但我觉得面试中展现自己的能力和水平比拍教授马屁要重要,所以也不用反复强调教授做的东西的各种优点什么的。
谈谈你对xxx领域research的看法,比如什么样的research比较好,怎样的research比较有前途。这是一个比较senior的教授问我的,当时被问到这个比较懵其实,答得也不是太好。我觉得这种问题不是很好速成准备,平时可以多和自己的research advisor聊,看看比较有经验的人对这个领域整体是怎么看的。参加会议的时候注意看自己的area里面热点有哪些,跟作者多进行networking等等;关注一下领域内大佬的linked in,看他们都转发哪些文章。
谈谈来了之后你想做啥。事先想几个跟教授最近感兴趣的方向贴的比较近的看上去promising的idea,可以和自己的research advisor以及熟悉的高年级PhD师兄师姐提前聊一聊。即使不是特别精妙,也不要临时搞一些一看就不太可能work out的idea。我觉得教授问这个问题目的不在于看看你的idea到底好不好,感觉是看你思考的方法;
比如你本科毕业来申请PhD那你应该第几年之前拿个硕士,你第几年前应该完成candidacy exam
这个引人而异,可以问教授lab里做的project啊、lab氛围啊、整个组怎么work的啊(第一年自己lead项目还是work with other senior PhDs)
注意对你的每个项目有个30s和5min版本的介绍(30s侧重一句话motivation和一句话你们做了啥,5min可以有一点例子,不需要太多tech detail,老师感兴趣会问),自己如果有哪个方面有短板记得想好解释(比如你gpa不好)
最后的时刻当然又是答疑时刻了,我又按照地里前辈的标准答案问,我如何能够contribute to your group,学长听了这个问题很高兴,和我说了一大堆(没太听懂……似乎是关于我优势的点?)
Recommendation letter
\1. 被推荐人的全名。
\2. 推荐人和被推荐人的关系,i.e., 推荐人是如何认识被推荐人的,认识了多久,有多了解。
比如大一的时候此人就上过我的课,之后又跟我做过project;此人上我课的时候每周都会在office hour和我交流,还做过我的grader assistant;此人在我手下实习了三个月,表现不错。
\3. 推荐人认为被推荐人具有的优点,并且有details支持。
需要特别提到的是,推荐信是为申请服务的,而gradute program还是比较看重的在技术方面的能力(研究能力)的,因此即使是来自industry的推荐信,也尽量体现出你的这方面能力和潜力。
推荐信可以涉及的内容是比较广泛的。我最初也在这方面犯了错误——想当然地认为推荐信写的内容要和推荐人密切相关,直到我看到了这篇文章GSAS GUIDE FOR TEACHING FELLOWS ON WRITING LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION ,其中作者提到了“4. A letter of recommendation can also be used to explain some weakness or ambiguity in a student’s record. If appropriate - and probably after consulting the student - you might wish to mention a family illness, financial hardship, or other factor.”
实际就是只要是教授可能知道的情况你都可以放进去写。比如第一年gpa低,是因为家里父亲病重,照顾他花了很多时间。这个解释可能已经在你自己的statement of purpose里提到过了,如果再次由推荐人在信里确认,无疑有力很多。当然前提是这是真实放生的事情,不能编造。其他方面,像很好的实习、出色的学生工作等都可以体现在推荐信里。
还有一方面不能忽视的是personal character。俗话说性格决定命运,一个人的性格和未来的成功息息相关,因此personal character也是关注的一个点。在推荐信里适度提一下被推荐人的好性格绝对也是加分项。比如此人has a good sense of humor,常常逗得大家直乐,或者此人很easygoing,和大家都处得很好等等。
除了正式性之外,SoP 也是唯一可以陈述你在某些情况下表现不佳的理由的文件。例如,你可以解释读研究生过程中遇到的任何艰难困苦,或者解释为什么你在大学的某个学期/季度做得不太好。SoP 的结构应如下:
- 用引人注目的一段话介绍研究兴趣,使读者想要继续阅读。这是最重要的一点:如果你无法在这一段勾起读者兴趣,他们不太可能继续读下去。
- 你在研究生学习期间的研究经历(大约一页)。
- 确定将来要做什么研究。
- 确定你想合作的人以及原因。
- (可选)在适当的情况下解释情有可原的情况。
然而,披露苦难和弱点(如学习障碍和精神疾病)也可能是一把双刃剑:读你申请的人可能不会选你,也可能因为这些克服困难的经历而对你抱以同情和钦佩。如果你披露此类事实,则你的 SoP 需要非常精细化。如果你没有专业作者的反馈,请不要尝试这样做。对于一些社会上可以接受的故事,就不需要专业的反馈:从极度贫困到上大学,现在你想通过博士学位来发挥自己的潜力,这样就很容易写出一个令人信服的故事;讲述在患精神分裂症或躁郁症时遇到的困难就很难令人信服。
Toefl tips (also from Internet)
of for 有时候连读是 e的音 it is really import for us to study hard , a lot of
no matter 发d, break up 发g, happy habby
Q1 sample
因为 同龄压力。你知道的,我们班上每个人都会xx,我不想被他们隔离。所以我会做同样的事为了融入他们
It is because of the peer pressure. You know, nowadays everyone in my class chooses to X. I don’t wanna be isolated or even bullied. I remembered when I was in primary school, I was ridiculed by my classmates since I do’nt watch ultraman. Therefore personally, I would like to do the same thing to involve with them.
Moreover, Playing basketball always makes me feel relaxed. I remembered when I was in college, one time, I prepared for an important final exam, I asked my roommate to play basketball with me, which relaxed me a lot. And finally I got an A level grade on that subject.
Last week, my neighbor Mr.Yu had to go to Japan for a business meeting. But nobody could take care of his cat Niannian, which made him very worried. When I knew this, I offered to help him. He was happy which made me very happy as well.
when i was in high school, i was really busy, i needed to get up at 6.00 and kept study until sleeping, therefore i really had no time to X.
困难 父母 手机
Two years ago when I went to the university, it was the first time I was apart from my parents.
At first I could not fall asleep at night and often thought of my parents.
Thanks to the cell phone, I could talk to my parents everyday and this really brought me out of the loneliness.
单车 出行 环保
- First, it is more convenient than private cars especially when you are finding parking. For example, I used to drive my cars to school two years ago and it often took me 20 minutes to find parking. Then I decided to ride a bicycle to school and I was never late for the class since then.
它是环境友好的,而且可以减少许多碳排放。五年前,北京有许多沙尘暴。天空是黄的,人们甚至面对面都看不清对方的脸。在政府 限制碳排放之后,这种现象缓解了很多
Besides, it is environmental-friendly and it can reduce a lot of carbon emission. 5 years ago, there were many sandstorms in Beijing. The sky was yellow and people couldn’t see each other even face to face. ‘After the government limited carbon emission, this phenomenon was alleviated.
X sometimes can be an icon ˈīˌkän of culture ˈkəlCHər, it is really a fantastic chance to learn about local culture especially for foreigners, travelers and even children. I still remembered that when I learnt X at the first time, I was deeply attracted by X, and since then, I become interested in X.
Firstly, it saves a lot of money. money is very important to me since my parents were divorced when I was a child, I need money to pay for the tuition by myself. Therefore, I would like to save money as long as I can.
Firstly, it saves a lot of time, time is very important to me Since my parents were divorced when I was a child, I need time to do part-time job to pay for the tuition, by myself. Therefore, I would like to save time as long as I can.
First, it can help us find what we love to do. Two years ago, I took part in the training camp of RNG club, which was one of the most famous e-clubs in China.During the training camp, I developed an AI model to help data analysis and that was also when I found what I loved to do.
朋友 新鲜感 社交
X 我可以遇到各种各种的朋友 来自不同国家和地区。这样我可以拥抱不同的文化和生活方式。两年前,当我上X,我交到了许多朋友,kevin来自us,Johnny from Japan, 我也变得更 openminded和sociable
I can make various friends from different regions so that I can embrace diversified culture lifestyles. Two years ago, when I X, I made lots of friends from different countries, and I became more openminded and sociable.
It will contribute to the proliferation of employment. I mean it can provide people with a large amount of jobs. As a result, it will in turn enhance the social stability and economic development.
老朋友/父母 更理解你
Friends/ Parents know us better and they can give us practical suggestions based on our personality when we are in trouble or we want to make decisions. Take myself as an example, two years ago, when I went to the university, I needed to select my major, my friends/parents advised me to study computer science since I was good at solving problems. Now I am really happy to follow their suggestions.
随着科技发展,看书变得越来越方便。当我还是个小孩的时候,我只能在我的房间读书,那真的很不方便。当我想要读,两年前,我买了kindle,它很方便携带 从那时起我可以随时随地看书,在地铁上,stree car上,甚至在厕所里。
With the development of technology, reading becomes more and more convenient. When I was a young kid, I had to stay in my room to read books, which was really inconvenient. Two years ago, I bought a Kindle, which was easy to carry, as a result, I could read book anytime and anywhere. In the subway, in the street car and even in the toilet.=
现代 VS 传统,人工智能,时间增多 效率增加
With the development of artificial intelligence, people’s working time will decline significantly since AI will help to tackle with repetitive works. Therefore, people will have more spare time and pay more attention on the entertainment/health care.
两年前我去大学的时候,我很胖,朋友都叫我“肥宝”,但在我开始每天打篮球,我变得更健康、帅气 以及自信。
First, it helps me keep healthy and confident. Two years ago when I went to the university, I was very fat and my friends even called me “the fat baby”, but after I joined a basketball club and played basketball, I became more healthy, more handsome and therefore more confident.
拓宽眼界 增长知识
The book that really shaped my attitude to the life is a novel called Stories about Ming Dynasty.
As you may see from the title, The book narrates a fantastic 300 years history of ming dynasty in ancient China, but the fragment that impressed me the most was the last chapter of the book. After hearing so many romantic and attractive stories and seeing the success and failure of countless emperors, politicians and Military commanders, the book is ended by the story of XuXiake, who is the most famous travel writer in China. He traveled through China for more than 30 years and documented his travels extensively.
As you may know, there is an old saying in China “万般皆下品 惟有读书高” that every position is inferior to being government officials by learning.
In the ancient China, a position like travel writer is usually regarded as worse and even shameful, especially when compared with being a government official. The motivation that the book ends with the story of a traveler writer is to express the attitude to life, that is, there is only one way to success, which is to follow your heart instead of be influenced by external things like money, power, or judgment from others.
I slid into a depression on several days, luckily, I cheered up again by reading a book, which influenced my attitude to the failure. The book is the biography of Sushi, who was one of the most famous poets in China while his target of his life is being a successful politician. Unluckily, his career as a politician was really not going on smoothly. He was frequently demoted from Beijing to Hubei, from Hubei to Hangzhou, and finally, to the Hainan island, which was pretty far away from Beijing and very poor at that time. His story really impressed me a lot. On the one hand, I knew that life contained many ups and downs no matter how talented you were even though you were the most famous poet in China. One the other hand, Sushi was not a successful politician but could you say that he was a loser?Nope. He was demoted as a politician, but therefore he had enough time and experience to write so many excellent poems. There is an old saying in China “塞翁失马焉知非福”, which tells a story that an old man lost his horse but finally the horse came back even with another mare. And I cannot agree with the story anymore.
Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations like money or power, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
张居正 “你还很年轻,将来你会遇到很多人,经历很多事,得到很多,也会失去很多,但无论如何,有两样东西你绝不能丢弃,一个叫良心,另一个叫理想。”
于谦“ 在这个污浊的世界上,能干干净净度过自己一生的人是值得钦佩的”
旅游景点 放松增收
I volunteered to teacher the kids in a remote mountain village in the west of China. Those kids couldn’t afford to buy shoes, much less tuition and fee. If this money could help them to finish their school, my friend will feel prou
网课 通勤
Take online class for example.
First, it is more convenient for students because if they don’t understand the content, they can choose to pause or replay. As for me, I always pause the video when I want to take a note or think about the topic in the class.
Second, kids are vulnerable to temptation like computer games. If teachers encourage them to use computers, they might indulge in video games. Then kids would have less time to exercise and engage in social activities, and this will again lead to kids’ physical problem.
- No brainer: something that requires little to no thought. Eg, to me, it’s no brainer, (毫无疑问), all high school students should wear school uniform.
- Drives me crazy: a way to describe something you hate. eg. It drives me crazy when
- Not my style, 不是我的菜
- to make a long story short 总之
and 后面不要停 一定要前面停
Need: 人/动物 require: 无生命
Q3 Annoucement + Discussion
记录:Change + Reason
According to the announcement, 。。。
The man/woman agrees/disagrees with this for two reasons.
First …, also …
In addition,… also,…
(For these reasons, the woman doesn’t agree with this announcement)
解释 xxx的定义,以及教授是怎么illustrate这个xxx的。
- definition
- 最后一句话(往往和lecture内容有关系) or 属性+开端+结果
The article defines X which is XXX(definition).
The professor illustrates this concept with the example of Y, Y is an X because (give connection reasons and examples).
That’s why Y is a good example of a X.(建议一定要有总结)
态度 Significant, particularly,at least,in fact, usually (并且大写的时候)
一来motivation 比如a new theory 听清楚并做好笔记;有时候来的目的不是一开始就说了的
首先锁定B,排除D 剩余AC,web site不可能听不到,那么一定是bulletin board听漏了 死马当活马医
大词谨慎选:His research is highly respected throughout the world. 这种肯定能听到,没听到就肯定不是
D.probably 几乎肯定;很可能;大概;带有肯定倾向,但教授态度是偏中立的。
independent essay
X and Y both constitute an indispensable part of Z. When it comes to the trade-off between X and Y, people varying in personalities as well as backgrounds have diversified tendencies. One notion is that XX. Personally, I would frown on this claim and reckon that it fails to be representative. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
In brief, I would assert that XX is of paramount importance and it is better to XX due to X and Y. Only in this way can we
The reading and the lecture are both about xxx. The reading passage proposes three main aspects that X. The lecturer, however, disreputes the claims made in the article and states that Y.
To begin with, the reading holds that … . The article mentions that …. . Nevertheless, the lecturer challenged the argument by claimng that …. Additionally, he points out that ….
Secondly, the author suggests that …. In the article, it is said that. On the contrary, the lecturer asserts that … . He goes on to say that …;
Finally, the writer posits that … the author contends that…. In contract, the lecturer’s stance is … he notes that…
In the final analysis, the professor convincinglyx shows that none of the evidence/explanation in the reading passage provides sufficient support for …
hold |
Mention |
Suggest |
Is said |
assert |
Contend |
Posit |
Note |
’S stance is |
point |
claim |
Goes on to say |
Sentence insertion
- 注意target sentence中的代词
- transition words
- repeat a synonym(同义词)
- goes into more details about a previous topic
- 找but / however 后面的反义词
- changes the main topic
- Adds information
- Miss important information