input : recipe, user
Output: score (recommendation value) (classification -> soft label [0.2,0.1,0.4,0.1,0.1]) (regression)
Input: user
Output: recipe for this user
PAC learning try to study the generalization ability for a learning model (given a set of training data, its ability to carry over to new test data)
I recommend for reading this blog post (by the original author)
Approximately correct means the error will be small on new samples,
Probably means that if we play the game over and over we’ll usually be able to get a good approximation.
Error of hypothesis $h$ (with respect to the concept (our target, the “golden” solution) $c$ and the distribution $D$ ) is the probability over $X$ drawn via $D$ that $h(X)$ and $c(X)$ differs.
concept class: a collection of concepts (functions) over $X$
PAC Learnable: A problem is PAC-learnable if there is an algorithm $A$ which will likely generate a hypothesis whose error is small for all distributions $D$ over $X$.
More formal one: small error -> error probablity = $\epsilon \in [0,0.5]$; high probability -> $1 - \delta$ : $\delta \in [0,0.5]$. Then, we limit the algorithm to run in time and space polynomial in $1/\epsilon $ and $1/\delta$
be a set, and
be a concept class over
. We say that
is PAC-learnable if there is an algorithm $A(\varepsilon, \delta)$ with access to a query function for
and runtime $O(\textup{poly}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}, \frac{1}{\delta}))$, such that for all
, all distributions
, and all inputs $\varepsilon, \delta$ between 0 and
, the probability that
produces a hypothesis
with error at most
is at least
. In symbols:
$\displaystyle \textup{P}{D}(\textup{P}{x \sim D}(h(x) \neq c(x)) \leq \varepsilon) \geq 1-\delta$
big idea:
The target is an interval $[a_0,b_0]$, each query (unit time cost) will randomly pick up a value $x \in [a_0,b_0]$.
We propose A: pick up $m$ samples, (therefore $O(m)$ time), and pick up the smallest one $a_1$ and the largest one $b_1$ as the predicted interval (hypothesis) $[a_1,b_1]$
We should consider $P(h(x)\neq c(x))$ (this one must be a formulation related with $m$, say $g(m)$), that is, show that if $P_D(g(m) \leq \epsilon) \geq 1- \delta$ , then $m \propto 1/\epsilon, 1/\delta$
$P(h(x)\neq c(x)) = g(m) = \textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \in A) + \textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \in B)$, where $A = [a_0,a_1], B = [b_1,b_0]$
then, by symmetry, if we can prove that $\textup{P}_{x \sim D}(x \in A) \leq 2/\epsilon$ is very probabilitic ($\geq 1-\delta$), then, we are done.
but, how to find the correlation between $\epsilon$ and $m$? The solution here is to define a interval $A’$, where $A’ = [a_0,a’]$ and $P(x\in A’) = 2/\epsilon$.
if $a’ \geq a_1$, we already finish the proof.
Othersiwe, the probability that the sample does not belong to $A$ (remeber that we are considering $\textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \in A) \leq 2/\epsilon$) is smaller than $1- 2/\epsilon$, i.e., $\textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \ not \in A) \leq 1 - 2/\epsilon$
then the probability that all $m$ samples does not locate in $A$ Is: $\leq (1 - 2/\epsilon)^m$
Note that this probability equals to the probability that the error ($h(x) \neq c(x)$) due to the $A$ region is larger than $2/\epsilon$ (the probability that our chosen contributes error greater than
Such a proof holds for B region. Since A and B are not intersected, we can conclude that
The probabity that the error is larger than $\epsilon$ is less than $2((1 - 2/\epsilon)^m)$
it means, The probabity that the error is less or equal than $\epsilon$ is larger than $1 - 2((1 - 2/\epsilon)^m)$
We want the probability of a small error is larger than $1-\delta$, that is:
$\displaystyle 2(1 - \varepsilon / 2)^m \leq \delta$
therefore, $m \geq (2 / \varepsilon \log (2 / \delta))$
(which is polynomial in $1/\epsilon, 1/\delta$)Therefore, we finish the proof
The theorem is:
Let H be a finite hypothesis space. Let D be an arbitrary, fixed unknown probability distribution over X and let c ∗ be an arbitrary unknown target function. For any , δ > 0, if we draw a sample from D of size 
then with probability at least 1 − δ, all hypotheses/concepts in H with error ≥ $\epsilon$ are inconsistent with the sampled data
(with probability at least 1−δ any hypothesis consistent with the sampled data will have error at most $\epsilon$)
In Non-realizable case (more general case), there may not be a “golden solution”, we can only compete with the best function (the function of smallest true error rate) in some concept class H. A natural hope is that picking a concept c with a small observed error rate gives us small true error rate. It is therefore useful to find a relationship between observed error rate for a sample and the true error rate.
Consider a hypothesis with true error rate p (for example, a coin of bias p) observed on $m$ examples (the coin is flipped m times). Let S be the number of observed errors (the number of heads seen) so S/m is the observed error rate.
Hoeffding bounds state that for any $\epsilon$ ∈ [0, 1]

Let H be a finite hypothesis space. Let D be an arbitrary, fixed unknown probability distribution over X and let c ∗ be an arbitrary unknown target function. For any $\epsilon$, δ > 0, if we draw a sample S from D of size
then probability at least (1 − δ), all hypotheses h in H have
Proof: given a hypothesis h, by hoeffding boundinhg, we get that the probability that its observed error outside $\epsilon$ of its true error is at most

(based on hoeffding boudning, and the definition of $m$)
By union bound over all all h in H, we then get the desired result.
union bound is too loose! There may be many overlap between two hypothesises. That is, two hypothesises may label most data points the same.
The growth function of $H$ $g_H(m)$ is the maximum number of distinct labelling $H$ (a labelling for a $h \in H$ is just the results induced by $h$ for the given samples) can induce on any set $S$ of $m$ data points. (对于m个sample,最多能产生多少种label)
we say $H$ shatters(打碎) $S$ if $|H(S)| = 2^m$ , we assume this is a binary classification problem, i.e., the label is in {-1,1} (有这样一个m个sample,给任意一种label,都存在一个h可以产生这个label)
$g_H(m) = 2^m$ if exist S that H shatters it.

2D linear seperator cannot shatter 4 points
D dimentional linear seperator can shatter D+1 points but cannot shatter D + 2 points
If no golden target:
$d_{VC}(H) = $ the largest value of $m$ s.t. $g_H(m) = 2^m$, i.e., the greatest number of data points that can be shattered by $H$
For example, for a N-dimensional linear seperator, its VC dimension is $D+1$
Agnostic case: trainning error is not zero
traning error decreases as VC dim increases (easier to )
the bound increases as VC dim increases (harder to generalize)
Two analysis illustration (VC analysis and bias-variance)
Now, all (at least from my knowledge) GNN-based works focus on attacking, that is, given a locked circuit, using GNNs to attack it (predict the correct key values).
These works can be roughly divided into two categories based on the target locking method.
To attack some logic locking methods, the problem can be formulated as a link prediction task. For example, for the MUX-based locking method, what the attacker is doing is actually trying to determine which edge in the MUX should be preserved.
Here are some papers (although most of them come from the same author)
ICCAD21 - UNTANGLE: Unlocking Routing and Logic Obfuscation Using Graph Neural Networks-based Link Prediction
DATE22 - MuxLink: Circumventing Learning-Resilient MUX-Locking Using Graph Neural Network-based Link Prediction
A cheatsheet for some common operations I may need to ask Google again and again…
Basic idea is to use conditions to find all true index, and select the row/column based on index
For example, return rows whose column 1 value is exactly 2:
1 | a[:,a[:, 0] == 2] |
Another example is (selct rows whose column values are all larger than 0)
1 | a[(a > 0).all(1)] |
回顾我的二十四年,遗憾其实还不少。譬如小时候喜欢围棋却没有学习资源没有老师,只能自己靠着对“围”的理解瞎捣鼓;譬如小学自己模仿qq三国画了几十张地图,还设计了完善的装备 剧情 战斗系统 (虽然所有玩法都是基于掷骰子的随机性哈哈哈),但是大学却没有想过(或者说没有勇气?)去找游戏方面的工作,曾经的那些地图也都没有保存下来;再比如小时候挺喜欢画画,曾经对着书上的风景画照着画,被美术老师以“你这肯定是贴着画直接抄的”为理由给了不及格,委屈的哭的要死,也顺带扼杀了我的美术乐趣;在比如大学唯一报名的辩论队,最后还是怂了没去面试。。。
大部分的遗憾其实还是源自自己的短视和懦弱、短视可能受家庭环境教育影响、但是懦弱纯粹就是自己的问题了。这也许也是为什么我看着白鹿原里的白孝文如此“触目惊心”、看明朝那些事那么振聋发聩了。所以我很喜欢那句自己说了七年的那句话:follow your heart。
Geometric deep learning means the deep learning especially for geometric objects, such as graphs and point clouds. Recently, their applications in VLSI become more and more common and important for several reasons (from my naive perspectives):
This artical is a summray of all related papers I read.
The two steps are in the flow of reverse engineering
reverse engineering is to obatin the circuit information (netlist, sub-circuit functions …) from the sold IC chip.
Netlist -> undirected graph.
Feature vectors (for each node):
I doubt these feature vectors may represent the original netlist with some potential bias information. That is, two different netlists may generate the same graph with same feature vectors. (Especially their type c features)
graph sampling (a large netlist graph to many sub-graphs): GraphSAINT, random walk sampler (RWS).
Models: after experiments, RWS sampling + GAT is used
given a certain design type, (like adder-mul,mix, results of two adders are fed into a multiplexer), generate a series of such designs, (by using different kinds of adders/multiplexers), see the node classification performance.
So the experiment for industrial design and even not for a general design.
Done by my friend :)
Arithmetic Block Identification: input-flatenned netlist graph; output-arithmatic block (the same with last paper)
flattened gate-level netlist, where only primitive gates are instanced, while the design hierarchy is unknown.
we obtain an input set and an output set (by ABGNN), and we need to find the matching, i.e., a mapping from input set to output set. (formulate as a maximum flow problem)
It is intresting to see that the task is divided into two steps, where the first one is translated as a DL task while the second one is solved by some traditional beautiful algorithm.
Just list some interesting parts:
A very famous but also controversial paper by Google
placing netlists onto chip canvases (two-dimensional grids) so that performance metrics (for example, power consumption, timing, area and wirelength) are optimized, while adhering to hard constraints on density and routing congestion.
Use GNN to obtain graph embedding, which is used to 1) generate next step instruction (as the encoder of the RL network) 2) predict the reward.
For the RL module, each action corresponds to selecting a macro and place it in the grid. Here, the macro order is determined heuristically.
Everytime when I try to initialize a pytorch tensor, I would like to use torch.zeros
1 | sum_each_bbox = torch.zeros(len(bbox),len(bbox[0])) |
But when I try to assign interger value to the tensor, like:
1 | sum_each_bbox[i,j] = sum(bbox[i][j]) |
The value will be different:
1 | tensor(16906704.) |
Instead, we should specify the data type to make it assigned correctly.
1 | sum_each_bbox = torch.zeros(len(bbox),len(bbox[0]),dtype=torch.int64) |
In python, we sometimes need to define an empty 2-D list to store something, i.e., tensors for different sizes at different grid point in the 2-D list.
Using Google, you may initialize the list in this way:
1 | a = [0*dim_0]*dim_1 |
In this way, the reference of the second dim is the same, when you change a[0][1], a[0][0] will also be changed. (if a stores tensors)
The correct way is:
1 | for i in range(dim_0): |
hey neway,现在是2021年的九月,我来CMU的第一个月。虽然很久没有写随笔,但是心里一直是有打草稿挂住你的哈哈,请见谅我的懒惰和不负责。
再然后是带我入坑并且给了我很多科研指导的Beibei,lingming老师,yibo老师,和宇哲。因为老师们的手把手教学(真的是问题方法都摆在这的手把手教学。。手动捂脸🤦♂️),过去的三年是我很充实的三年,也是获得自我成就感的三年。看着beibei lingming从当年的AP变成现在炙手可热的领域巨星,只有两个想法:1。respect(刘邦) 2。 俺也想(项羽🐶)。
还记得在lab赶due的那些夜晚,基本上每次回去都有月亮作伴。所以后来读到苏轼的“多谢残灯不嫌客,孤舟一夜许相依”才会有种似曾相识的感觉。印象最深的还是3100 和小灰灰、鹏神、凯灿、书赫的proj,虽然整个大学基本是以废物的状态度过的,但是那几天拼搏的感觉真好哪。
1 | pwd = print working directory |
1 | foo=bar |
to $9
- Arguments to the script. $1
is the first argument and so on.$@
- All the arguments$?
- Return code of the previous command!!
- Entire last command, including arguments. A common pattern is to execute a command only for it to fail due to missing permissions; you can quickly re-execute the command with sudo by doing sudo !!
- Last argument from the last command. If you are in an interactive shell, you can also quickly get this value by typing Esc
followed by .
1 | #!/bin/bash |
1 | mv *{.py,.sh} folder |
1 | # Show differences between files in foo and bar |
used to select the interpreter of the code (if python script, then the interpreter should be python)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
– Execute with a Python interpreter, using the env program search path to find it#!/bin/bash
– Execute the file using the Bash shell1 | # Delete all files with .tmp extension |
: a command that edits file without opening ittmux
: terminal multiplexer