
写完这个文章 发现自己的文学功底退化的十分明显。但又能怎么办呢,时间把我的才华偷走了。



Fantastic. Persistence wins.




  • 每年 中 一篇paper
  • 每学期 投 一篇新paper





最开始一两天没有掀起什么波澜,甚至连回复的也没有。我本来挺失落的:第一次游戏编程 就这么结束了,一点水花都没掀起。



在星空另一端 思念从未停止 如同墓碑上的名字








时间的长河看不到尽头 像只鱼儿游没办法逆流






HI Neway。hou nai mo giai!现在是加州的晚上11点,不像香港的湿热、湖南的变幻、匹兹堡的阴沉,加州的太阳特别好,每次骑单车出门时都会被那恰到好处的阳光惊艳到,然后有种想立刻出去hiking的冲动。我也算理解为什么那么多人都说加州比匹兹堡好多了。

我想我需要回顾下过去半年、或者来CMU的一年发生了什么。之前说要投两篇paper:最终还是做到了——虽然又做了一次deadline fighter,写作质量什么的也无法顾及。

能力 想做的



要学的 想学的 眉毛紧锁 焦虑



This is a reading notes for recipe generation papers, whcih is for my 10701 projects.

Generating Personalized Recipes from Historical User Preferences


  • the tokenized name of a specific dish, (vocabulary embedding)
  • a few (partial) key ingredients (ingredient embedding )
  • calorie level. (caloric-level embedding)

tokenization method: Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) tokenization


tokenized recipe sequence


Input -> encoder-decoder -> attend with hiden user features (come from previous recipe ranking of this particular user) -> combine them with a attention fusion layer to jointly determine text generation


BiGRU for dish name and ingredients

Projection for calorie level

Decoder ((output: recipe embeeding ($h_t$)))

two-layer GRU, where first layer input $h_0$ is the concatenation of the output from the encoder, for each layer, there is an attention term that calculates an weighted sum of the encoded ingredient feature

Combine with user hitorical review data

Each prior reviewed recipe has a recipe embedding, and is used to calculate the recipe attention

Each recipe has multiple used techniques and we use them to calculate the recipe

Attention Fusion Layer

fuse all contexts calculated at time t, concatenating them with decoder GRU output and previous token embedding:


$o_t$ is the output of decoder, $a_t^i$ is the ingredion features (calculated based on weighted sum of ingredient sum), $a_t^{r_u}$ is the user recipe feature (calculated based on weighted sum of user previous ranked recipe representation)

Final output

Top k sampling means sorting by probability and zero-ing out the probabilities for anything below the k’th token. It appears to improve quality by removing the tail and making it less likely to go off topic



Here, we restrict to recipes with at least 3 steps, and at least 4 and no more than 20 ingredients.

We discard users with fewer than 4 reviews, giving 180K+ recipes and 700K+ reviews

in our training data, the average recipe length is 117 tokens with a maximum of 256.


We order reviews by timestamp, keeping the most recent review for each user as the test set, the second most recent for validation, and the remainder for training

Cooking techniques

We manually construct a list of 58 cooking techniques from 384 cooking actions collected by Bosselut et al. (2018b);

Evaluation metric

BLEU (bilingual evaluation understudy) is an algorithm for evaluating the quality of text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another. each word in the output has a maxinum clip value, which is the count in the true labels.

ROUGE-L: Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)[3] based statistics

Personalization (randomly 9 user input + 1 golden user input -> output probability of word (prob of sensente ))

(UMA)—the proportion where the gold user is ranked highest—

Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) (Radev et al., 2002) of the gold user

Recipe Level Coherence:


input : recipe, user

Output: score (recommendation value) (classification -> soft label [0.2,0.1,0.4,0.1,0.1]) (regression)


Input: user

Output: recipe for this user

PAC learning try to study the generalization ability for a learning model (given a set of training data, its ability to carry over to new test data)

I recommend for reading this blog post (by the original author)


Approximately correct means the error will be small on new samples,

Probably means that if we play the game over and over we’ll usually be able to get a good approximation.

Some Definitions (informal, just for easier understanding)

  • Error of hypothesis $h$ (with respect to the concept (our target, the “golden” solution) $c$ and the distribution $D$ ) is the probability over $X$ drawn via $D$ that $h(X)$ and $c(X)$ differs.

  • concept class: a collection of concepts (functions) over $X$

  • PAC Learnable: A problem is PAC-learnable if there is an algorithm $A$ which will likely generate a hypothesis whose error is small for all distributions $D$ over $X$.

    • More formal one: small error -> error probablity = $\epsilon \in [0,0.5]$; high probability -> $1 - \delta$ : $\delta \in [0,0.5]$. Then, we limit the algorithm to run in time and space polynomial in $1/\epsilon $ and $1/\delta$

      Let X be a set, and \mathsf{C} be a concept class over X. We say that \mathsf{C} is PAC-learnable if there is an algorithm $A(\varepsilon, \delta)$ with access to a query function for \mathsf{C} and runtime $O(\textup{poly}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}, \frac{1}{\delta}))$, such that for all c \in \mathsf{C}, all distributions D over X, and all inputs $\varepsilon, \delta$ between 0 and 1/2, the probability that A produces a hypothesis h with error at most \varepsilon is at least 1- \delta. In symbols:

      $\displaystyle \textup{P}{D}(\textup{P}{x \sim D}(h(x) \neq c(x)) \leq \varepsilon) \geq 1-\delta$

How to prove a problem/ a concept class is PAC learnable?

big idea:

  1. Propose $A$ with time complexity $O(m)$
  2. Show that $A \propto 1/\epsilon, 1/\delta$ , easy right? :)

Example 1 Interval Problem

The target is an interval $[a_0,b_0]$, each query (unit time cost) will randomly pick up a value $x \in [a_0,b_0]$.

We propose A: pick up $m$ samples, (therefore $O(m)$ time), and pick up the smallest one $a_1$ and the largest one $b_1$ as the predicted interval (hypothesis) $[a_1,b_1]$

We should consider $P(h(x)\neq c(x))$ (this one must be a formulation related with $m$, say $g(m)$), that is, show that if $P_D(g(m) \leq \epsilon) \geq 1- \delta$ , then $m \propto 1/\epsilon, 1/\delta$

$P(h(x)\neq c(x)) = g(m) = \textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \in A) + \textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \in B)$, where $A = [a_0,a_1], B = [b_1,b_0]$

then, by symmetry, if we can prove that $\textup{P}_{x \sim D}(x \in A) \leq 2/\epsilon$ is very probabilitic ($\geq 1-\delta$), then, we are done.

but, how to find the correlation between $\epsilon$ and $m$? The solution here is to define a interval $A’$, where $A’ = [a_0,a’]$ and $P(x\in A’) = 2/\epsilon$.

if $a’ \geq a_1$, we already finish the proof.

Othersiwe, the probability that the sample does not belong to $A$ (remeber that we are considering $\textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \in A) \leq 2/\epsilon$) is smaller than $1- 2/\epsilon$, i.e., $\textup{P}{x \sim D}(x \ not \in A) \leq 1 - 2/\epsilon$

then the probability that all $m$ samples does not locate in $A$ Is: $\leq (1 - 2/\epsilon)^m$

Note that this probability equals to the probability that the error ($h(x) \neq c(x)$) due to the $A$ region is larger than $2/\epsilon$ (the probability that our chosen A contributes error greater than \varepsilon / 2)

Such a proof holds for B region. Since A and B are not intersected, we can conclude that

The probabity that the error is larger than $\epsilon$ is less than $2((1 - 2/\epsilon)^m)$

it means, The probabity that the error is less or equal than $\epsilon$ is larger than $1 - 2((1 - 2/\epsilon)^m)$

We want the probability of a small error is larger than $1-\delta$, that is:

$\displaystyle 2(1 - \varepsilon / 2)^m \leq \delta$

therefore, $m \geq (2 / \varepsilon \log (2 / \delta))$

(which is polynomial in $1/\epsilon, 1/\delta$)Therefore, we finish the proof

Example 2 hypotheses/concepts in a finite hypothesis space

The theorem is:

Let H be a finite hypothesis space. Let D be an arbitrary, fixed unknown probability distribution over X and let c ∗ be an arbitrary unknown target function. For any , δ > 0, if we draw a sample from D of size ![Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 10.36.58 PM](/figures/Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 10.36.58 PM.png)

then with probability at least 1 − δ, all hypotheses/concepts in H with error ≥ $\epsilon$ are inconsistent with the sampled data

(with probability at least 1−δ any hypothesis consistent with the sampled data will have error at most $\epsilon$)


  1. Consider some specific “bad” hypothesis $h$ whose error is at least $\epsilon$, then the probability that $h$ is consistent with the sampled data is at most $(1-\epsilon)^m$
  2. There is at most $|H|$ bad hypothesis.
  3. the probabilty that there exists a bad hypothesis that is consistent with all sampled data is at most $|H|(1-\epsilon)^m$ (union)
  4. the probabilty at the third step should also be at most $\delta$ by definition
  5. That is, $|H|(1-\epsilon)^m < \delta$
  6. Using the inequality 1 − x ≤$e^{-x}$, we get the equation in the theorem

Relationship between observed error rate and true error rate

In Non-realizable case (more general case), there may not be a “golden solution”, we can only compete with the best function (the function of smallest true error rate) in some concept class H. A natural hope is that picking a concept c with a small observed error rate gives us small true error rate. It is therefore useful to find a relationship between observed error rate for a sample and the true error rate.

Hoeffding Bound

Consider a hypothesis with true error rate p (for example, a coin of bias p) observed on $m$ examples (the coin is flipped m times). Let S be the number of observed errors (the number of heads seen) so S/m is the observed error rate.

Hoeffding bounds state that for any  $\epsilon$ ∈ [0, 1]

![Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 11.22.38 PM](/figures/Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 11.22.38 PM.png)

The relationship result by hoeffding bound

Let H be a finite hypothesis space. Let D be an arbitrary, fixed unknown probability distribution over X and let c ∗ be an arbitrary unknown target function. For any $\epsilon$, δ > 0, if we draw a sample S from D of size


then probability at least (1 − δ), all hypotheses h in H have


Proof: given a hypothesis h, by hoeffding boundinhg, we get that the probability that its observed error outside $\epsilon$ of its true error is at most

![Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 3.54.11 PM](/figures/Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 3.54.11 PM.png)

(based on hoeffding boudning, and the definition of $m$)

By union bound over all all h in H, we then get the desired result.

Infinite hophothesis set?

union bound is too loose! There may be many overlap between two hypothesises. That is, two hypothesises may label most data points the same.

Some definitions

  • The growth function of $H$ $g_H(m)$ is the maximum number of distinct labelling $H$ (a labelling for a $h \in H$ is just the results induced by $h$ for the given samples) can induce on any set $S$ of $m$ data points. (对于m个sample,最多能产生多少种label)

    • we say $H$ shatters(打碎) $S$ if $|H(S)| = 2^m$ , we assume this is a binary classification problem, i.e., the label is in {-1,1} (有这样一个m个sample,给任意一种label,都存在一个h可以产生这个label)

    • $g_H(m) = 2^m$ if exist S that H shatters it.

      ![Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 11.54.20 PM](/figures/Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 11.54.20 PM.png)

    • 2D linear seperator cannot shatter 4 points

    • D dimentional linear seperator can shatter D+1 points but cannot shatter D + 2 points

VC bound (relationship between data size and errors)


If no golden target:


VC dimension (the complexity of the hyphothesis set)

$d_{VC}(H) = $ the largest value of $m$ s.t. $g_H(m) = 2^m$, i.e., the greatest number of data points that can be shattered by $H$

For example, for a N-dimensional linear seperator, its VC dimension is $D+1$

Statistical Learning Style bounds, (fixed data size,relationships between the true error and the data error)



Agnostic case: trainning error is not zero

traning error decreases as VC dim increases (easier to )

the bound increases as VC dim increases (harder to generalize)


Two analysis illustration (VC analysis and bias-variance)


GNNs for attacking

Now, all (at least from my knowledge) GNN-based works focus on attacking, that is, given a locked circuit, using GNNs to attack it (predict the correct key values).

These works can be roughly divided into two categories based on the target locking method.

To attack some logic locking methods, the problem can be formulated as a link prediction task. For example, for the MUX-based locking method, what the attacker is doing is actually trying to determine which edge in the MUX should be preserved.

Here are some papers (although most of them come from the same author)

  • ICCAD21 - UNTANGLE: Unlocking Routing and Logic Obfuscation Using Graph Neural Networks-based Link Prediction

  • DATE22 - MuxLink: Circumventing Learning-Resilient MUX-Locking Using Graph Neural Network-based Link Prediction

GNNs for node classification

  • DATE21- GNNUnlock: Graph Neural Networks-based Oracle-less Unlocking Scheme for Provably Secure Logic Locking
    • (Attack Anti-SAT) predict whether the node (gate) belongs to Anti-SAT (AN, green box) module or original design (DN, gray box)
    • image-20220508133120863
    • (TTLock and SFLL-HD) predict whether the node belongs to 1) orig design (DN) 2) pertub unit (PN) 3) restore unit (PN)
    • image-20220508171929174

A cheatsheet for some common operations I may need to ask Google again and again…


Select rows based on conditions of column values

Basic idea is to use conditions to find all true index, and select the row/column based on index

For example, return rows whose column 1 value is exactly 2:

a[:,a[:, 0] == 2]

Another example is (selct rows whose column values are all larger than 0)

a[(a > 0).all(1)]






  • 成为了名副其实的EDA/VLSI design/VLSI testing 半懂哥,基本上芯片是怎么从RTL到chip的也可以大概跟别人解释清楚啦
  • 再次成为幸运小子,两位导师对我都很好~(damn 好像不是我做到的哈哈哈 实在没什么写的了 还是写下来吧
  • 基本上完全适应美国的生活啦,甚至资本主义的羊毛都要被我薅秃了哈哈哈哈哈
  • 大概率拿到了apple的intern offer啦(其实本来没想申intern的。。就是老板让我去试试fellowship。。然后apple的人可能觉得我不够格但是research interest又挺适合他们intern需求的。。于是就。。。(upd,apple最后还真把fellowship给我了,邮件里对我方向的鼓励、presentation的认可也是很感动啊,一下子就有点报君黄金台上意的努力冲动了。)
  • 虽然paper没进展,但是两个proj都是有条不紊的继续着,好像暂时也没有排斥research 或者 不喜欢自己目前proj的想法,挺好的嘿嘿


  • 两个proj第一学期都给我做完!然后第二学期再投一篇!You have to push yourself!不仅为自己,也要为两位这么nice的导师。OK?
  • 有时间就学着剪视频(哈哈哈每年愿望清单都有你)。It is always not a bad thing.
  • 好像没啥了额。。就祝你每天开心、不用压力太大,你已经很棒啦!







回顾我的二十四年,遗憾其实还不少。譬如小时候喜欢围棋却没有学习资源没有老师,只能自己靠着对“围”的理解瞎捣鼓;譬如小学自己模仿qq三国画了几十张地图,还设计了完善的装备 剧情 战斗系统 (虽然所有玩法都是基于掷骰子的随机性哈哈哈),但是大学却没有想过(或者说没有勇气?)去找游戏方面的工作,曾经的那些地图也都没有保存下来;再比如小时候挺喜欢画画,曾经对着书上的风景画照着画,被美术老师以“你这肯定是贴着画直接抄的”为理由给了不及格,委屈的哭的要死,也顺带扼杀了我的美术乐趣;在比如大学唯一报名的辩论队,最后还是怂了没去面试。。。

大部分的遗憾其实还是源自自己的短视和懦弱、短视可能受家庭环境教育影响、但是懦弱纯粹就是自己的问题了。这也许也是为什么我看着白鹿原里的白孝文如此“触目惊心”、看明朝那些事那么振聋发聩了。所以我很喜欢那句自己说了七年的那句话:follow your heart。

