ER model
a collection of entities and relationships
- an object in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects. ( can be same category)
- described using a set of attributes.
Entity set is a collection of entities of the same type. All entities in a given entity set have the same attributes ( the values may be different).
Domain: domain of possible values of each attribute in an entity set.
superkey: any set of attributes which can uniquely identify an entity
key (candidate key): a minimal set of attributes whose values can uniquely identify an entity in the set. (should depend on the real life possibility 即使还有entity 加入/删除, 这个key永远identify an entity)
primary key: a candidate key chosen to serve as the key for the entity set
an association among two or more entities.
eg. Teach: (John,CENG4567) ,(David, CSCI1234)
relationship set: a set of similar relationships: {(John,CENG4567) ,(David, CSCI1234)}
relationships can also have descriptive attributes
Recursive Relationship: relationship两边entity其实一样
One to many
One to One
similar with one to many, but have two arrows
Key for relationship set
- Many-many union of the primary keys for E1,…Ek
- One-many 找many的那个primary key就行。(知道一个孩子的ID就能确定是哪个‘mother-of’)
- One-one 随便找个primary key就行。
Participation constraint
- total –each entity in the entity set must participate in at least one relationship. (对应的entity——relation的线加粗)
- partial- 不需要
Weak entities
strong entity , an entity which has a super key
weak entity 相反
若需要identify一个weak entity: –by considering some of its attributes in conjunction with the primary key of employee (identifying owner).
partial key 例如:教授家属需要identify就需要(教授id,家属名字)
Class hierarchies
Overlap constraint 两个subclass能否包含相同entity (default:no)
Cover constraint 是否subclass包含了superclass里所有entity ( default:no)
A relationship between a collection of entities and relationships
Relational Model
main construct: a set of relations
relation consists of relation schema and relation instance
Relation instance
Simply a table with rows and columns
- row = tuple/record, no two rows are identical
- column = field/attribute
Relation schema
specifies relation’s name, name of each field(primary key should be underlined), domain of each field
Degree/arity of a relation: number of fields
Cardinality of a relation instance: number of tuples
Relational database : a collection of relations
Instance: a collection of relation instances (one per relation schema).
1 | CREATE TABLE Students |
Integrity constraints
restricts the data that can be stored in an instance of the database on a database schema
- Specified when the schema is defined.
- **Checked **when relations are modified.
Key constraints
Certain minimal subset of the fields (candidate key) of a relation is a unique identifier for a tuple (instance).
设计者可以自己identify a primary key(比如index)
1 | CREATE TABLE Students |
Foreign key constraints
Sometimes, the information stored in a relation is linked to the information stored in another relation.
Enrolled(sid: string, cid: string, grade: string)
sid就是Enrolled这个relation的 foreign key and refer to Students
Formally, a foreign key is a set of fields (the primary key of s) in one relation r that is used to “refer” to a tuple in another relation s.
1 | CREATE TABLE Enrolled ( |
four options on DELETE and UPDATE.
- NO ACTION (DEFAULT) rejected
- CASCADE(级联) 如果被删除,那么相关联的所有row也全被删除
- SET DEFAULT 如果被删除,那么相关联的所有row设置为DEFAULT
ER to Relational
entity sets -> tables
relationship sets(without constraints) -> tables,attributes包括
- 每个entity的primary key
- relationship set的descriptive attributes
with constraints
- arrow: arrow对应的m个entity,因此又m个candidate key,随便选一个作为primary key
weak entity
将weak entity及对应relation 统一为一个table 并且(ON DELETE CASCADE)
Class hierarchies
different relations (父母孩子都有)
more general。
not always possible。can be accessible easily
Relational Algebra
Baisc Operators
selection $\sigma$
a boolean combination (an expression using logical connectives $\wedge \vee$)
Projection $\Pi(fileds)$
extract columns from a relation
duplicated row will be eliminated
Union $U$
must be union-compatible:
- same number of fields
- corresponding fields have the same domains
Set Difference $-$
also union-compatible
Intersection $\cap$
also union-compatible
$R\cap S = R-(R-S)$
Rename $\rho$
$\rho (R(F),E) \ or\ \rho(R,E)$
E: arbitrary relation algebra ,F:renaming list, R= E 除了F rename的东西
Cartesian product (cross product) $\times$
Join $\Join$
Join can be defined as a cross-product followed by selections and sometimes with projections.
- Join condition $\Join_c =\sigma_c(R\times S)$
- Equi join c is R.name1 = S.name2, S.name2 will be droped in the final resulting relation
- Natural join: C 是R S所有fields相同的
Division /
- 先计算 relation list的cross product
- 考虑是否满足 qualifications
- 选取target list里面的attributes
- 如果有 DISTINCT, 把duplicated rows删掉(默认不删)
Natural Join
1 | SELECT S.sname |
Expressions and string
LIKE for string matching. _
= any one character, %
= 0 or more arbitrary characters
Aggregate Operators
GROUP BY and Having
1 | eg Find the age of the youngest sailor for each rating level. |
1 | SELECT |
Delete view:DROP VIEW Temp
Outer Join
S LEFT OUTER JOIN R: S 中不对应 R的也会加进去。 只是R的field就是 NULL